Attack of the Toxic Tanks

Abandoned Quanta Oil Refinery, Queens, NY 1982
On the banks of the Newtown Creek, stands the abandoned Quanta Oil Refinery in Long Island City. On the property there are 73 tanks containing 500,000 gallons of contaminated oil with PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls).
Where have the owners disappeared?
What happened to the workers?
When will the city of New York begin the massive cleanup?
Who cares about the lives of the people living in the nearby community of Blissville?

Fekner’s stencils indicate areas in communities that have a need for new construction, demolition, or reconstruction.

“The thought and fear of knocking down structures that could remain standing and be utilized.
The thought and fear of letting structures remain standing that should be knocked down and destroyed.”
John Fekner

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